On this page I have included a brief C.V. with relevant information on my career as a translator and interpreter. If you would like to obtain further information, please go to the following link.
- Degree in German and Spanish Philology, 1995, University of Geneva (Switzerland).
- The academic year 1992-93 was spent completing additional studies at the University of Göttingen (Germany).
- MA in Germanic Studies, 1997, University of Michigan (USA).
- Course in Advanced Java Application Programming for the Internet (300 hours), 2001, Madrid Polytechnic University
- Industrial Draughtsman Qualification, 1980, Escuela Santa Bárbara, Madrid.
Industrial Draughtsman. Human Nutrition Department, Bühler-Miag SA (Madrid).
Language Teacher: Spanish and German. Studies at the University of Geneva (Switzerland).
University tutor and translator. Studies at the University of Michigan (USA).
In-house translator and interpreter and later freelance. Working primarily in the technical, information technology, economics and publishing sectors. Working for direct clients, publishers and translation agencies.
- Pablo Villadangos, Die spanische Malerei bei Rilke. Eine ständige Präsenz (Spanish Painting in Rilke. A constant presence) in: Blätter der Rilke-Gesellschaft, (Rilke in Spanien), volume 22/1999, pp. 25-48.
- Walter Hink, Post-War Poetry (prologue to "Gedichte und Interpretationen. Gegenwart” (“Poems and Interpretations. Present”) in: Hora de Poesía (“Time for Poetry”) (Nº 94-95 96), 1995.
- Peter Huchel, Carreteras, carreteras (“Roads, Roads”) (Chausseen, Chausseen), Igitur, 1998.
- Albert Ostermaier, Tito a la tártara (Tatar Titus), Goethe Institute Theatre Library Series, 1998.
- Julie Ellis and John Willinsky (ed.): Niñas, mujeres y superdotacion (Girls, Women and Giftedness), Narcea, 1999.
- Ulla Hahn, 4 poemas y unos fragmentos de poética (“4 poems and a selection of poetic fragments"), in: Poesía, por ejemplo (“Poetry, for example”) (Nr. 10), 1999.
- Emma Brunner-Traut, Cuentos del Antiguo Egipto ( “Tales from Ancient Egypt”), Edaf, 2000.
- Thea Hermann, El oráculo de la luna ( “Oracle of the Moon”), Edaf, 2000.
- Kathleen Pullan Watkins, Cómo trabajar con niños y familias afectados por las drogas (Working with Children & Families affected by Substance Abuse), Narcea, 2001.
- Gerhard Wittenberger and Christfried Tögel (ed.), Las circulares del "Comité Secreto", (“Letters from the “Secret Committee”) vol. 1, 1913-1920, Síntesis, 2002.